Commonsense Design Nathan Zeldes blogs on everyday product design

March 14, 2008

Fighting back against shrieking car alarms

Filed under: Bad design,Improvement — Tags: — Nathan Zeldes @ 7:25 pm

A particularly heinous bit of bad product design are ear-shattering car alarms.

The underlying thought was good, I’m sure: let’s make the car raise an unholy racket when someone messes with it, and we’ll put a stop to car theft! Of course, this failed miserably, both because of high false alarm rates and because in the case of a true alert most bystanders will prefer to mind their own business rather than confront a possibly violent thief. In fact the New York City Police Department claims that car alarms actually contribute to making the crime problem worse; and every urban dweller is familiar with their harm to quality of life in the city (for more data, see this report).

Now, car alarms come in many forms, and not all are harmful to our sanity; there are silent alternatives that will alert the owner wirelessly without raising a ruckus; there are immobilizer devices that can prevent theft in various ways; and so on. But many manufacturers still use the useless, maddening audible alarms, and a few design ones that will not shut themselves down after a minute or two – the designers of these deserve to be drawn and quartered…

So, what can we do about this? As a society we can certainly do much, if only we’d try (Terroncito has some interesting thoughts on this). I can tell you what I did. I used to have a car with a particularly nervous alarm, which got in the habit of treating my neighbors to minute-long blasts a few times a week. I tried to have it fixed, but to no avail. So I called my insurance agent, whose policy insisted I have this option in the car. I told him either the alarm goes, or his customer goes. Guess what – the insurance company wouldn’t budge, but the agent, after some diligent search, found another who was willing to accept a silent immobilizer. End of problem.

Remember: you can, and should, refuse to be told by some insurance company to torture your neighbors!


  1. […] traffic is less of a problem… but cars still make their presence known there. Apart from the infamy of car alarms , each time a neighbor parks a car, or gets into one, you hear the multiple bleeps of the remote […]

    Pingback by Cars should be seen but not heard at Commonsense Design — May 14, 2008 @ 7:45 am

  2. […] already shared my animosity towards car alarms. Since these are not going away anytime soon, the question becomes, how can we improve them to […]

    Pingback by Communicative alarms at Commonsense Design — July 28, 2008 @ 5:44 am

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