Commonsense Design Nathan Zeldes blogs on everyday product design

March 9, 2009

Web site redesign!

Filed under: Odds and Ends — Tags: — Nathan Zeldes @ 11:18 pm

My loyal readers know that in addition to this blog I maintain Nathan’s Possibly Interesting Web Site, where I share my history of computing collection, software, and various articles. I built it some years ago as a personal web site, and am happy to have it as just that.

However, now that I am starting into my new career, I faced a problem – you can’t talk business to people and when they Google you they reach a collection of slide rules! I needed a site devoted to my areas of professional expertise and service offerings. So I wrote one. As of this week is the professional site, and the Possibly Interesting site links off of it under “Personal site”, or you can bookmark it if you wish at I have every intent to keep it alive and growing at its usual steady rate of one page a month.

You’re also welcome to send in feedback on the new site’s design and content via its contact page; this is a first revision, and will be developed as things progress.

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