Most food products have nutrition information labels that tell you in minute detail what they contain, from calorie count to milligrams of Sodium. All very edifying, to be sure, but boooring!
So the other day I saw this box of cookies, and below the logo of the English Cake bakery it says – in Hebrew – “Very tasty“!
Isn’t this something they should add to every food label? We could have cookies labeled “Very tasty“, “Tasty“, “So-so“, or “Yecch!“, just like the “Hot”, “Medium” and and “Mild” on Salsa jars. Now, wouldn’t that be useful to us consumers?
December 10, 2011 — 12:54 am
I like the way they spell “English cake” in Hebrew. Like “qeiq”.
December 18, 2011 — 10:45 am
Hey, I remember my disbelief as a child learning English for the first time, and discovering that in that tongue Cake would be spelled as if it was pronounced KAH-KEH. It just didn’t make sense. Took me a while to accept that not all written languages are phonetic